Donate to Rudy's Dog Park
Would you like to donate to Rudy's Dog Park? Check out the ways you can financially help below.
Amazon Smile If you shop on Amazon you can choose to have a portion of your purchase price donated to Rudy's Dog Park. Begin by going to The first time you go there, you will be asked to choose a charity or non-profit. Select RDP from the list. From then on, 10% of every purchase you make on Amazon Smile will be donated to Rudy's Dog Park (without adding any additional cost to your Amazon purchase!). |
BarkBox Subscribe to BarkBox, a monthly service which delivers dog toys, treats and gifts right to your door. Right now, BarkBox is donating $25 to Rudy's Dog Park for every new subscription. Simply use the code "RUDYSPARK" when you sign up. Click here to learn more about BarkBox. |